Other HSE performance indicators
Proactive measures remain steady through FY23, with renewed focus on the quality of the activities performed to drive an improvement in positive outcomes, including improved identification of corrective actions and HSE compliance issues. There was a slight rise in TIFR and OIFR injuries in FY23 compared to the previous year, however TIFR injuries remain lower than historical averages, reflecting long term positive safety progress.
Indicator | FY19 | FY20 | FY21 | FY22 | FY23 |
Number of HSE Technical Interactions / Critical Control Checks | 5,035 | 7,463 | 12,396 | 8,075 | 7,141 |
Number of Health and Safety Walks | 11,401 | 12,081 | 9,192 | 6,968 | 7,035 |
Number of Health and Safety Hazards | 6,332 | 5,258 | 4,818 | 3,352 | 3,371 |
Number of Health and Safety Near Misses | 653 | 524 | 532 | 431 | 454 |
Number of Environment Walks | 3,085 | 2,931 | 1,938 | 1,489 | 1,868 |
Number of Environment Hazards | 724 | 772 | 573 | 481 | 389 |
Number of Environment Near Misses | 139 | 141 | 208 | 95 | 70 |
Number of TIFR-related incidents (employees) | 15 | 19 | 13 | 11 | 17 |
Number of TIFR-related incidents (contractors) | 28 | 26 | 18 | 17 | 17 |
Number of OIFR-related incidents (employees) | 3 | 9 | 4 | 2 | 4 |
Number of OIFR-related incidents (contractors) | 3 | 3 | 0 | - | - |
Number of high potential incidents (employees) | 23 | 30 | 25 | 15 | 32 |
Number of high potential incidents (contractors) | 29 | 20 | 18 | 23 | 8 |
AGL defines a contractor as a person or entity engaged by AGL under purchase order or contract to perform work or deliver services to, or on behalf of, AGL, and includes contractors working on both AGL sites and non-AGL sites.
Critical Control Check - A Critical Control Check is a tool used by operational leaders to ensure critical controls are being implemented. Within these checks the Critical Controls have been divided into three categories; Plant, Process and People. Critical Control Checks replaced HSE Technical Interactions during FY19.
Environment Walk - An Environment Walk is a process which can be carried out by any employee, regardless of technical competency. It is used to document observations and conversations specific to the environment carried out in any setting. It can be focused on a particular task or work environment, but its focus can also be general in nature.
Health and Safety Walk - A Health and Safety Walk is a process which can be carried out by any employee, regardless of technical competency. It is used to document observations and conversations specific to health and safety carried out in any setting. It can be focused on a particular task or work environment, but its focus can also be general in nature.
Health and Safety Hazard - A Health and Safety Hazard is any observation or workplace situation or source that has the potential to harm the health and safety of people or damage plant and equipment if not controlled.
Environment Hazard - An Environment Hazard is classified as any observation, task, process or equipment that has the potential to be a source of future environmental harm if left unattended.
Health and Safety Near Miss - A Health and Safety Near Miss is classified as an unplanned event or error that did not result in injury or illness but had the potential to do so.
Environment Near Miss - An Environment Near Miss is classified as any event where no actual regulatory breach or unauthorised environmental impact occurred but there was potential for a regulatory breach or unauthorised environmental impact to occur, i.e. the event was a close call and could result in an incident in the future unless improvement actions are implemented.
Recordable Incident - A Recordable Incident is a safety or environment incident that resulted in the injury or illness of a person requiring Lost Time or Medical Treatment, or an Environment Regulatory Reportable event.
High Potential Near Miss - A High Potential Near Miss is an unplanned Event or error that did not result in injury, illness, equipment/property damage or fire but where the potential to do so is ranked high or above as per AGL's FIRM matrix. This includes a high potential first aid, compliance breach of permits, critical controls and/or lifesaving rules.
High Potential Environment Near Miss - A High Potential Environment Near Miss is classified as any event where no actual regulatory breach or unauthorised environmental impact occurred but where the potential for this to occur is ranked high or above as per AGL’s FIRM framework.
Southern Phone Company and Perth Energy (both acquired during FY20) and Click Energy, Epho and Solgen (acquired during FY21) are included from FY21.
GRI 403-9; SASB IF-EU-320a.1