
Ombudsman complaints

In FY23, Ombudsman complaints increased by 3% against FY22, the first time we have seen an annual increase since FY15. However, AGL continues to have lower overall Ombudsman complaints compared to our Tier 1 peers. The volume of Ombudsman complaints remained flat throughout the majority of the year, supported by continued focus on overall service improvement. We have begun to see the impacts of cost of living pressures through increased Ombudsman volume which we expect to continue into FY24.


  • Reported figures represent complaints to the various state Energy & Water Ombudsman offices that are provided to AGL for resolution. Enquiries, complaints referred to other agencies or instances where the customer has been advised by the Energy & Water Ombudsman to contact AGL directly are not included.

  • ActewAGL complaints are excluded.

  • Data includes Ombudsman complaints related to Powerdirect and APG.

  • Numbers are based on complaints figures provided by the Ombudsmen of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Queensland.

  • Data relates to the sum of Ombudsman complaints over the last 12 months divided by the average of customer numbers over the last 12 months multiplied by 10,000.

  • Ombudsman complaint volumes exclude Telco complaints.

  • Click Energy complaint volumes have been included from April 2021 onwards. While most schemes report these volumes under the AGL entity, some schemes continued to report them separately into early FY22. These Click Energy volumes have been included in the AGL total.

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