
Volume of flared and vented hydrocarbon

Venting of hydrocarbons increased due an updated methodology for the calculation of fugitive emissions from gas production facilities. This has resulted in an increase in the volume of venting and flaring as a proportion of total gas and oil production in FY23.


  • Includes gas venting, gas flaring and fugitive leaks from equipment and pipelines at AGL's operated oil and gas producing facilities, including exploration projects and those in development.

  • The data does not include vented and flared hydrocarbons from the Newcastle Gas Storage Facility as this facility does not produce oil or gas.

  • The data does not include vented and flared hydrocarbons from the Silver Springs Facility including the Wallumbilla LPG plant as produced gas from the Silver Springs fields is stored and not sold in the financial year.

  • The total tonnes of gas vented and flared at each facility has been calculated in accordance with the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act, and includes the use of default (method 1) emission factors for some sources of venting and general fugitive leaks.

  • To calculate the total vented and flared hydrocarbons relative to total production, all oil and gas production is taken into account, including production used on site, and production vented and flared.

  • Quantities of hydrocarbon have been rounded to the nearest tonne.

  • In FY23, AGL implemented changes to our fugitive emissions calculations for natural gas production and storage facilities to align with updated regulations under the NGER Act.

  • FY23 data was updated in November 2023. Data was not available at the time of the initial release of the FY23 Data Centre on 10 August 2023.

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NEXT PAGEEquity greenhouse gas footprint