
Operational greenhouse gas footprint (by activity type)

During FY23, outages from Loy Yang A and Bayswater power stations, as well as the closure of Liddell Power Station, contributed to the reduction of coal-fired emissions. Emissions from gas-fired generation further decreased due to reduced generation from AGL Torrens. The increase in emissions from gas production and storage was a result of a revised fugitive emission calculation methodology for those facilities.


  • FY23 data was updated in November 2023. Data was not available at the time of the initial release of the FY23 Data Centre on 10 August 2023.

  • These figures include Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions for facilities which AGL had operational control over during the period, regardless of who owns the asset. Assets where AGL controls or has rights to the electricity output only are not included.

  • Greenhouse gas emissions have been calculated in accordance with the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act.

  • Figures have been rounded up to the nearest ktCO2e.

  • In FY23, AGL implemented changes to our fugitive emissions calculations for natural gas production and storage facilities to align with updated regulations under the NGER Act.

GRI Reference: 305-1; 305-2

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