
Operational greenhouse gas footprint (material sites and fuels)

This graph shows the Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions associated with the combustion of black coal and diesel at the Bayswater and Liddell power stations, black and brown coal, briquettes and natural gas at AGL Loy Yang, and gas at AGL Torrens. These represent AGL's material sources of greenhouse gas emissions (i.e. over 99% of Scope 1 emissions, over 90% of Scope 2 emissions, and over 98% of Scope 1 and 2 emissions combined). During FY23, emissions from AGL Loy Yang reduced as a result of the extended Unit 2 outage. Emissions from Bayswater Power Station reduced due to outages and Liddell Power Station decreased due to the retirement of Unit 3 in FY22 and the closure of the remaining units in FY23. Emissions continued to decrease from AGL Torrens due to the closure of the A station units.


  • Data includes Scope 1 emissions for material fuels and Scope 2 emissions. Macquarie Shared Services emissions are apportioned to Bayswater and Liddell power stations.

  • Greenhouse gas emissions have been calculated in accordance with National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act methodologies.

  • Figures have been rounded to the nearest ktCO2e.

GRI Reference: 305-1; 305-2

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