Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Index
In 2018, the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) published a set of 77 globally applicable industry-specific standards which identify a minimum set of sustainability issues most likely to impact the operating performance or financial condition of the typical company in an industry, regardless of location. Use of the SASB standards is voluntary in Australia.
AGL has used the following SASB Sustainability Accounting Standards to inform our FY23 disclosures:
Electric Utilities and Power Generators Sustainability Accounting Standard (October 2018)
Gas Utilities and Distributors Sustainability Accounting Standard (October 2018)
The index below references where SASB-aligned disclosures have been made in the FY23 Annual Report or ESG Data Centre.
SASB Code | Accounting Metric | Response |
IF-EU-110a.1. | (1) Gross global Scope 1 emissions, percentage covered under (2) emissions-limiting regulations, and (3) emissions-reporting regulations | Refer to Operational greenhouse gas footprint and net energy production in the data centre. |
IF-EU-110a.2 | Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with power deliveries | Refer to the Energy supply greenhouse gas footprint in the data centre. AGL's energy supply greenhouse gas footprint includes emissions from electricity sold to all customers including wholesale customers, but does not include emissions where electricity is sold to the pool. |
IF-EU-110a.3 | Discussion of long-term and short-term strategy or plan to manage Scope 1 emissions, emissions reduction targets, and an analysis of performance against those targets | Refer to AGL's Climate Transition Action Plan, the Environment scorecard in the FY23 Annual Report and the FY23 TCFD Report. |
IF-EU-110a.4 | (1) Number of customers served in markets subject to renewable portfolio standards (RPS) and (2) percentage fulfillment of RPS target by market | As an electricity retailer, AGL is required to comply with the Australian Commonwealth Renewable Energy Target (RET) scheme, as mandated by the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 (Act). The RET scheme operates in two parts: the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) and the Large-scale Renewable Energy Target (LRET). As the RET scheme covers all Australian jurisdictions in which AGL operates as an electricity retailer, all of AGL's customers are located in markets subject to the RET scheme. Refer to customer services in the Data Centre for information on AGL's customer numbers. |
SASB Code | Accounting Metric | Response |
IF-EU-120a | Air emissions of the following pollutants: (1) NOx (excluding N2O), (2) SOx, (3) particulate matter (PM10), (4) lead (Pb), and (5) mercury (Hg); percentage of each in or near areas of dense population | AGL reports NOx, SO2, PM10, Pb and Hg as well as other air emissions from all facilities in the data centre. |
SASB Code | Accounting Metric | Response |
IF-EU-140a.1 | (1) Total water withdrawn, (2) total water consumed, percentage of each in regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress | AGL discloses total Water withdrawal by source and Water consumption by facility in the data centre. The percentage of water consumed/withdrawn in regions of High or Extremely High baseline water stress is also disclosed in the Water consumption by facility data series. |
IF-EU-140a.2 | Number of incidents of non-compliance associated with water quantity and/or quality permits, standards, and regulations | Refer to the Legislative non-compliance summary in the data centre. |
IF-EU-140a.3 | Description of water management risks and discussion of strategies and practices to mitigate those risks | Water risks are assessed, monitored and mitigated and/or managed in accordance with AGL’s enterprise-wide Fully Integrated Risk Management (FIRM) policy. |
SASB Code | Accounting Metric | Response |
IF-EU-150a.1 | Amount of coal combustion residuals (CCR) generated, percentage recycled | Total coal combustion residuals generated and recycled are reported in the Waste data series in the data centre. |
IF-EU-150a.2 | Total number of coal combustion residual (CCR) impoundments, broken down by hazard potential classification and structural integrity assessment | The consequence categories of AGL's operational Coal Combustion Residual impoundments ('ash dams') as per the Australian National Committee on Large Dams - Guidelines on Tailings Dams (ANCOLD 2019) are currently as follows: |
SASB Code | Accounting Metric | Response |
IF-EU-240a.1 | Average retail electric rate for (1) residential, (2) commercial, and (3) industrial customers | Refer to Section 6.2 in the FY23 Annual Report for AGL's average unit rate of revenue in $/MWh for Consumer, Large Business, and Wholesale customer segments. Categories used by AGL differ slightly from the SASB categories. |
IF-EU-240a.2 | Typical monthly electric bill for residential customers for (1) 500 kWh and (2) 1,000 kWh of electricity delivered per month | AGL does not currently report publicly on this information. However the Australian Government's independent Energy Made Easy website contains details of AGL and other retailers' energy plans and rates. |
IF-EU-240a.3 | Number of residential customer electric disconnections for non-payment, percentage reconnected within 30 days | Number of electricity disconnections for non-payment in FY23, as reported to the Essential Services Commission and the Australian Energy Regulator: 18,901 |
IF-EU-240a.4 | Discussion of impact of external factors on customer affordability of electricity, including the economic conditions of the service territory | AGL has taken steps to address affordability across the energy supply chain through its advocacy, strategy, commercial investment decisions, and ongoing product and service innovation. Refer to the Customer scorecard section of the FY23 Annual Report. |
SASB Code | Accounting Metric | Response |
IF-GU-240a.1 | Average retail gas rate for (1) residential, (2) commercial, (3) industrial customers, and (4) transportation services only | Refer to Section 6.3 in the FY23 Annual Report for AGL's average unit rate of revenue in $/GJ for Consumer, Large Business, and Wholesale customer segments. Categories used by AGL differ slightly from the SASB categories. |
IF-GU-240a.2 | Typical monthly gas bill for residential customers for (1) 50 MMBtu and (2) 100 MMBtu of gas delivered per year | AGL does not currently report publicly on this information. However the Australian Government's independent Energy Made Easy website contains details of AGL and other retailers' energy plans and rates. |
IF-GU-240a.3 | Number of residential customer gas disconnections for non-payment, percentage reconnected within 30 days | Number of gas disconnections for non-payment in FY23, as reported to the Essential Services Commission and the Australian Energy Regulator: 6,858 |
IF-GU-240a.4 | Discussion of impact of external factors on customer affordability gas, including the economic conditions of the service territory | Refer to SASB metric 'IF-EU-240a.4' above. |
SASB Code | Accounting Metric | Response |
IF-EU-320a.1 | (1) Total recordable incident rate (TRIR), (2) fatality rate, and (3) near miss frequency rate (NMFR) | Refer to the Safety section of the data centre. |
SASB Code | Accounting Metric | Response |
IF-EU-420a.1 | Percentage of electric utility revenues from rate structures that (1) are decoupled and (2) contain a lost revenue adjustment mechanism (LRAM) | AGL has assessed that this metric does not apply. |
IF-EU-420a.2 | Percentage of electric load served by smart grid technology | As AGL is not a network operator, AGL has assessed that this metric is not material. |
IF-EU-420a.3 | Customer electricity savings from efficiency measures, by market | AGL's energy savings in respect of electricity consumed by its customers during the 2022 compliance period as per Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU), the New South Wales Energy Savings Scheme (ESS), the South Australian Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme (REPS) and the ACT Energy Efficiency Incentive Scheme^ was equivalent to 2,060,337 MWh. |
SASB Code | Accounting Metric | Response |
IF-GU-420a.1 | Percentage of gas utility revenues from rate structures that (1) are decoupled or (2) contain a lost revenue adjustment mechanism (LRAM) | AGL has assessed that this metric does not apply. |
IF-GU-420a.2 | Customer gas savings from efficiency measures by market | AGL's energy savings in respect of gas consumed by its customers during the 2022 compliance period as per the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) and the South Australian Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme (REPS) was 587,534 GJ. |
SASB Code | Accounting Metric | Response |
IF-EU-540a.1 | Total number of nuclear power units, broken down by U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Action Matrix Column | This metric does not apply as AGL does not own or operate nuclear power generation facilities. |
IF-EU-540a.2 | Description of efforts to manage nuclear safety and emergency preparedness | This metric does not apply as AGL does not own or operate nuclear power generation facilities. |
SASB Code | Accounting Metric | Response |
IF-EU-550a.1 | Number of incidents of non-compliance with physical and/or cybersecurity standards or regulations | AGL has not had any material instances of non-compliance with a mandatory cybersecurity regulation or standard in FY23. AGL has not had any material instances of non-compliance with regulations relating to grid resiliency in FY23. |
IF-EU-550a.2 | (1) System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI), (2) System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI), and (3) Customer Average Interruption Duration Index (CAIDI), inclusive of major event days | This metric does not apply as AGL is not a network operator. |
SASB Code | Accounting Metric | Response |
IF-GU-540a.1 | Number of (1) reportable pipeline incidents, (2) Corrective Action Orders (CAO), and (3) Notices of Probable Violation (NOPV) | AGL Surat assets had one reportable pipeline incident. A small area of pipeline corrosion resulted in a volume of produced water being released to the immediate vicinity. AGL Surat reported this to QLD Department of Environment and Science (DES) in accordance with its compliance obligations. This resulted in DES issuing an Enforcement Action. DES considered AGL’s response appropriate and issued a Penalty Infringement Notice to conclude the matter. |
IF-GU-540a.2 | Percentage of distribution pipeline that is (1) cast and/or wrought iron and (2) unprotected steel | This metric does not apply as AGL does not operate gas distribution networks. |
IF-GU-540a.3 | Percentage of gas (1) transmission and (2) distribution pipelines inspected | AGL has completed 100% of required in-line inspections during FY23. This included direct integrity assessment excavations, coating defect excavations, above ground piping leak surveys and visual inspections. |
IF-GU-540a.4 | Description of efforts to manage the integrity of gas delivery infrastructure, including risks related to safety and emissions | Transmission pipelines are operated and maintained in accordance with the requirements of Australian Standard AS2885 Pipelines—Gas and liquid petroleum. |
SASB Code | Activity Metric (Electricity) | Response |
IF-EU-000.A | Number of: (1) residential, (2) commercial, and (3) industrial customers served | Customer numbers are disclosed in the Customer services data series. Categories used by AGL differ slightly from the SASB categories. |
IF-EU-000.B | Total electricity delivered to: (1) residential, (2) commercial, (3) industrial, (4) all other retail customers, and (5) wholesale customers | Refer to Section 6.2 of the FY23 Annual Report. Categories used by AGL differ slightly from the SASB categories. |
IF-EU-000.C | Length of transmission and distribution lines | This metric does not apply as AGL does not own or operate electricity transmission or distribution networks. |
IF-EU-000.D | Total electricity generated, percentage by major energy source, percentage in regulated markets | Refer to the Electricity output by primary energy source data series in the data centre. Categories used by AGL differ slightly from the SASB categories. |
IF-EU-000.E | Total wholesale electricity purchased | Refer to Section 6.2 of the FY23 Annual Report. Categories used by AGL differ slightly from the SASB categories. |
SASB Code | Accounting Metric | Response |
IF-GU-420a.1 | Percentage of gas utility revenues from rate structures that (1) are decoupled or (2) contain a lost revenue adjustment mechanism (LRAM) | AGL has assessed that this metric does not apply. |
IF-GU-420a.2 | Customer gas savings from efficiency measures by market | AGL's energy savings in respect of gas consumed by its customers during the 2022 compliance period as per the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) and the South Australian Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme (REPS) was 587,534 GJ. |