Health and safety performance - combined employees and contractors
Throughout FY23 until March 2023, TIFR had been tracking favourably. However, higher-than-average recordable injuries were recorded in March, May and June, with four each in March and June, and nine occurring in May, resulting in a combined TIFR of 2.8 for FY23, an increase over the FY22 result of 2.1. To address this, AGL has implemented Serious Injury or Fatality (SIF) focus programs and improved incident management processes, including the sharing of learnings and identification of emerging trends to continue providing a safe working environment for allĀ our people into FY24.
TIFR: number of Lost Time and Medical Treatment Injuries classified as TIFR-related in a 12 month rolling period, per million hours worked in that 12 month period.
OIFR: number of Lost Time and Medical Treatment Injuries classified as OIFR-related in a 12 month rolling period, per million hours worked in that 12 month period.
LTIFR: number of Lost Time Injuries classified as both TIFR and OIFR in a 12 month rolling period, per million hours worked in that 12 month period.
AGL defines a contractor as a person or entity engaged by AGL under purchase order or contract to perform work or deliver services to, or on behalf of, AGL, and includes contractors working on both AGL sites and non-AGL sites.
The safety performance of contractors and employees of Southern Phone Company and Perth Energy (both acquired during FY20) and Click Energy, Solgen and Epho (acquired during FY21) is included from FY21.
The number of hours worked in FY23 used as a basis for calculating TIFR, LTIFR and OIFR was 12,007,244 (FY22: 13,186,411)
GRI Reference: 403-9