
Energy consumption by primary fuel source

Consumption of brown coal decreased in FY23 due to outages affecting operations at Loy Yang A Power Station. Consumption of black coal also decreased due to outages affecting operations at Bayswater Power Station and the reduced operating capacity and closure of Liddell Power Station during FY23. Decreased natural gas combustion in FY23 was driven by reduced generation at AGL Torrens.


  • Energy consumption data has been determined in accordance with the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 and its supporting legislative framework that has been produced (and is periodically updated) by the Australian Federal Government.

  • Energy consumption includes all instances where fuels are combusted, or otherwise consumed by AGL's activities (including flaring, venting and degradation of energy commodities). However, the reported values do not include situations where fuel commodities are used as a feedstock (e.g. in the manufacture of LPG), or where the commodities are not significantly altered by the consumption (such as the consumption of wind, water and solar energy).

  • Energy consumption has been rounded to the nearest TJ.

  • Data comprises energy consumed at our operated facilities, and does not include energy purchased through the wholesale market which is sold to our customers.

  • FY23 data was updated in November 2023. Data was not available at the time of the initial release of the FY23 Data Centre on 10 August 2023.

GRI Reference: 302-1

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