
Energy supply greenhouse gas footprint

Emissions for FY23 were relatively consistent with FY22. Declining emissions from the supply of electricity to customers was driven by reduced sales volumes and lower grid intensity in FY23. Declining emissions from the production and consumption of natural gas was driven by lower commercial & industrial and wholesale customer sales volumes. The emissions from transmission and distribution remained stable due to an increase in the emissions factor.


  • The energy supply footprint estimates the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions associated with the electricity and natural gas supplied to small-market, commercial and wholesale customers by AGL (and its wholly owned subsidiaries) during the period.

  • It is assumed that natural gas is combusted in the state and financial year in which it is sold.

  • Natural gas and electricity produced by AGL and sold into energy markets are excluded from this footprint (although all of AGL’s acquisitions of electricity and natural gas to supply its customers are included). Other goods and services supplied by AGL are not considered.

  • Sale of electricity and gas to ActewAGL (for supply to ActewAGL customers) is included as ActewAGL is a customer of AGL.

  • Estimates are calculated using emission factors and Australian greenhouse gas inventory data published by the Commonwealth Department of the Environment and Energy. FY23 emissions are calculated based on emission factors published in the National Greenhouse Accounts Factors (February 2023) as well as factors derived from the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory FY21, both of which are the most up to date factors available at the time of release.

  • This footprint estimates Scope 3 emissions associated with the supply of gas and electricity to AGL's customers.

  • Greenhouse gas emissions are rounded to the nearest 0.1 MtCO2e.

GRI 305-3; SASB IF-EU-110a.2

PREVIOUS PAGECarbon offsets